Thursday, August 15, 2024

Wet Walking

When water seeps through

My shoes,

And sky changes from grays 

To blues,

Wet walking becomes me.

Drawn to my heels, toes, soles--

Sticky notes with lists that leap

From small square to large bear

Growl a little softer;

They know.

Slinking back to their caves,

Lists of doing 

Feel deceived

By the relief that resides

In wet walking.


Remaining drops

Pool on pines and leaves,

Leave hope behind

Where once debris 

Of mind

Fumed with rage.

In wet walking,

There is no cage. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2024


The drops that hang on edges of

Pine needles

After heavy rain

Don't realize how precarious their 

Lives are.

They shine.

They shimmer.

They glimmer.

Their spark barks 

Loudly because the sun

Shines brightly.


They fall

And crawl along the soil, seep into it,

Deeper than even they thought they could go.

One day,

They join roots to rise

Once more.

Monday, July 22, 2024

On Sadness

 Its purpose, we cannot find

When we sit around its table

And dine.

What little we find

Tastes as though

Sand has been ground in--

We chew slowly, 

Clsoing our eyes as if

Not seeing makes

Not feeling, Not knowing.

Growing never was easy,

No matter how many proverbs tell us

It's worth it.

Trying to be grateful,

We hold hands 

And instead wish everything

Were different.

Feast, Beast--

You will not stay forever.

You may leave a sour aftertaste,

But in your place

We find new ways 

To chase grace,

Eyes opened once more.